We Understand Problems.
We Help Our Students Learn How to Solve Them.
At Illini Tutoring, our licensed, certified teachers and tutors help students raise their grades, get higher test scores, and navigate the stress and anxiety of school. No two students are the same: this is why one-on-one and group tutoring is the best way to help your student succeed in school and in life.
Through our combined 30+ years of teaching experience, we help students become the heroes of their own story through meaningful mentorships and one-on-one and small group teaching.
Parents & guardians enroll their learners in Illini Tutoring's programs when stress, anxiety, and frustration due to school are taking a toll on the student and the whole family.
We listen to our students and their grown-ups so we can understand what's challenging them. Then we work with our students to help them reach their goals using a plan that works for their unique needs.
Each student and their instructor develop a partnership that bolster's the student's ability to understand math and science problems, complete homework, ace exams, write stronger essays, and confidently solve challenging problems.
We teach our students techniques that enhance their resiliency so that they can replace anxiety with calm focus and stress with organized planning.
Our students complete homework and study in a quiet, focused environment with their instructor, and we teach them how to recreate this environment so they can be successful anywhere.
Students who come to Illini Tutoring get their work done better and faster,
which means they have more time to do the things they love to do.
Through our combined 30+ years of teaching experience, we help students become the heroes of their own story through meaningful mentorships and one-on-one and small group teaching.
Parents & guardians enroll their learners in Illini Tutoring's programs when stress, anxiety, and frustration due to school are taking a toll on the student and the whole family.
We listen to our students and their grown-ups so we can understand what's challenging them. Then we work with our students to help them reach their goals using a plan that works for their unique needs.
Each student and their instructor develop a partnership that bolster's the student's ability to understand math and science problems, complete homework, ace exams, write stronger essays, and confidently solve challenging problems.
We teach our students techniques that enhance their resiliency so that they can replace anxiety with calm focus and stress with organized planning.
Our students complete homework and study in a quiet, focused environment with their instructor, and we teach them how to recreate this environment so they can be successful anywhere.
Students who come to Illini Tutoring get their work done better and faster,
which means they have more time to do the things they love to do.